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CCC Receives International Recognition for Hep C Care Model
Friday, May 7, 2021This content block does not have a preview.
Millions of Americans have chronic viral hepatitis; however, the majority don’t know they’re infected. At CCC, our goal is to encourage universal testing and ultimately eliminate hepatitis C from our community. We’ve pioneered many programs to help us achieve this goal.
We couldn’t be prouder about the international recognition CCC’s hepatitis C elimination programs have received from the International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) through their Connecting with Care Competition.
Open to entries globally, the competition recognizes and celebrates innovative hepatitis C models of care for people who use drugs. INHSU is a global network dedicated to improving the health of people who use drugs, with a specific focus on hepatitis C, infectious diseases and harms that can occur from drug use.
This award is a profound recognition of CCC’s innovative and groundbreaking work to bring hepatitis cure and prevention to vulnerable people in the Portland metro region.
Dr. Andy Seaman, Medical Director of Hepatitis and HIV Services, Central City Concern
A deadly disease
Prior to COVID-19, hepatitis C was responsible for more deaths than at least 60 other reportable diseases combined. Hepatitis C is most known for causing end stage liver disease and cancer. It also increases the risk of diabetes and worsens mental illness. For some, it can cause profound fatigue and chronic pain. Others are seemingly untouched and unaware they’re living with the disease — but are still able to pass it on to someone else through high-risk sex or sharing drug injection equipment.
Our model of care

The Hep C Team is bringing innovative approaches to eliminating hepatitis C among at-risk Portlanders. First row (left to right): Vivian Ton, PharmD; Andy Seaman, MD; Lisa Nelson, PharmD; Linh Le, PharmD. Back row (left to right): KayLynn Gesner, Gabriel Hernandez, Sanjay Soman, Michael Crespo. Not pictured: Arsalan Shah, PharmD; Robert Martini, PharmD; Brian Peh, PharmD; Leanne Falzon.
Our aim is to stamp out this life-threatening but treatable disease by 2030, in alignment with World Health Organization goals. Here’s what CCC has done so far to increase access to testing and treatment:
- Opt-out hepatitis C, HIV, and hepatitis B screenings for everyone who visits a CCC clinical setting or Hooper Detoxification Stabilization Center and (prior to COVID-19) for all CCC housing residents.
- Individual treatment through new and innovative pathways. Often people are scheduled to start treatment immediately when they learn they have hepatitis C. Instead, CCC leaves stigma at the door, allowing people to decide for themselves when they’re ready to start treatment. Everyone who tests positive determines their own treatment pathway.
- Wraparound care services. Our outstanding care team ensures patients get the treatment they deserve, even if it means delivering medications to a client’s home, correctional facility or hospital.
Over the last four years, CCC has treated — and mostly cured — more than 1,050 Portlanders of this deadly disease. Almost 90% of the people we’ve diagnosed are receiving treatment, with most fully cured. These rates are not only exemplary in Oregon but also stand out on a national and global scale.
How to get help
We make it simple for you to treat hepatitis C with medication. Treatment takes about two months and has a cure rate of more than 95%. Call 971-361-7888 to schedule an appointment at Old Town Clinic or Blackburn Center.