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La katherine gris

1115 SW 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97205

The Katherine Gray PBV Section 8 and Fair Market waiting list is closed.

The Katherine Gray (formerly known as the Martha Washington) is a four-story building located in the heart of downtown Portland. The Katherine Gray consists of both studio and one-bedroom units, with both project-based Section 8 subsidized units and fair market units (rent restricted but no rent subsidy).

Resumen de la comunidad

  • Número de unidades: 108
  • Construido: 1923
  • Transporte público: ubicación central cerca de múltiples líneas de autobús, estaciones MAX (0.3 millas)
  • Supermercados: Safeway (0,1 milla), Target Grocery (0,3 milla), Whole Foods Market (0,5 milla)
  • Parques: South Park Blocks (0,2 millas), Washington Park (1,4 millas)
  • Instalaciones de salud: Old Town Clinic (0,7 millas), Old Town Recovery Center (0,7 millas), Hospital OHSU (2,1 millas), Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center (1,3 millas) 
  • Otro: Mercado de agricultores de la Universidad Estatal de Portland (0,4 millas)

The Katherine Gray PBV Section 8 and Fair Market waiting list is closed.

To apply, first review the screening and eligibility requirements below, found in Tenant Selection Plan (Section 8) and Building Criteria (Fair Market).  Then, submit a pre-application for the unit type you are interested in:

Submitting Your Section 8 and Fair Market Pre-Application Materials: maroon arrow pointing right

  • Correo electrónico. Envíe sus materiales de solicitud previa completados y firmados a for Section 8 units and Fair Market units.  Please note that these are separate pre-applications, submitting one does not put you on both lists.
  • En persona. Bring your completed and signed pre-application materials to the CCC Housing Office at 523 NW Everett St., Portland OR, 97209.

Note: CCC strongly encourages applicants to submit pre-application forms by email so there is a electronic record and we can provide a receipt. CCC will not accept faxed applications or those submitted directly at the Katherine Gray.


  • Estacionamiento
  • Ropa sucia
  • Sala de la Comunidad
  • Fumar / no fumar
  • Silla de ruedas accesible
  • Servicios in situ
  • Personal in situ
  • Pets are not allowed at Katherine Gray.  Applicants/Tenants may request service or assistance animals as a reasonable accommodation when necessary to support a verified disability. All requests are subject to management approval.

Elegibilidad y selección

  • No se requiere depósito de seguridad en The Katherine Gray.
  • Para obtener más información sobre los requisitos de selección, consulte el Plan de selección de inquilinos de Katherine Gray y los Criterios de construcción.

Las unidades en The Katherine Gray tienen restricciones de ingresos y alquiler en base a un porcentaje del ingreso familiar medio (%MFI) para el condado de Multnomah. Los hogares deben obtener ingresos anuales inferiores al %MFI correspondiente para ser elegibles para la unidad. haga clic aquí para obtener información que le ayude a determinar el límite máximo de ingresos.

Ver criterios de construcción

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