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Seven CCC Staff Named Portland’s Top Medical Providers

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

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Healers. Caring professionals. Life savers. Heroes.

Our health care providers have been called many things, especially as they’ve battled on the frontlines of a global pandemic. This year, seven of our employees have been ranked by their colleagues as some of the best health care providers in the Portland metropolitan region according to Portland Monthly’s Top Medical Providers 2021 annual survey. We’re honored to have them on our staff, providing compassionate care for our clients and patients.

For the past seventeen years, Portland Monthly has conducted this informal peer survey among a range of medical providers. It’s kind of personal as they ask their colleagues, “Who would you want to have looking out for your family’s health? To whom would you turn if you got sick?”

It’s a big deal if your name shows up on this list. It’s an even BIGGER deal that seven of the top vote-getters work for CCC.

Their years at CCC range from less than one to thirteen. Collectively, they bring over 50 years’ experience to our organization.

We thought you might want to get know some of the top providers in our region just a little bit better. So, we posed a few questions to the group. We also asked for their advice for Portlanders as we head into the new year. We thought we’d share some of the best parts of their interviews with you. And, we want to thank each of them for their service to our community.

Our top providers are:

Lydia Bartholow, DNP
Associate Medical Director Substance Use Disorder Services




Pat Buckley, PA-C, ND, WCC
Physician Assistant




Richard Gil, MD
Primary Care Provider




Lauren Land, DNP
Associate Medical Director of Primary Care




Amanda Risser, MD
Senior Medical Director of Substance Use Disorder Services




Elijah Smith, MD
Primary Care Provider




Brianna Sustersic, MD
Senior Medical Director of Primary Care



What’s the most rewarding part of your work at CCC?

“Being able to connect with people in a meaningful way, and that we treat everyone we see with dignity and respect they deserve.”

“I LOVE being part of finding comprehensive solutions for homelessness. I love the people we serve and I love my coworkers and the compassion and excellence they bring to each day.”

“Moments of human connection and getting to walk alongside people in their healing journeys.”

“I love seeing my Spanish-speaking patients, especially those I don’t see often. They know I’m bicultural and bilingual. Knowing that they trust me to listen to them and meet their health needs… that feels awesome.”

What advice do you have for Portlanders as we enter 2021?

“At least it’s not 2020 anymore! Undoubtedly, there will be unforeseen challenges, but we have demonstrated our resilience and ability to tackle them. I am hopeful that there are brighter days ahead.”

“Find joy. Keep a journal— even if it’s simple! Your kids and grandkids will want to know about what this wild couple of years were like for you. Spend time near (or if you feel safe GET IN!) a big body of Oregon water. Try some local takeout. So many of our restaurants and food carts have gotten creative and have phenomenal takeout offerings.”

“Keep wearing a mask! We’re all in this together.”

“Get vaccinated for COVID19 —if you are able — as soon as it is available to you.”

“Be consciously kind to others. It is a small investment with a really great return!”

A family smiles while hiking

What do you do for fun when you’re not working?

“Hunting for wild mushrooms. Rescuing pit bulls. Gardening”

“Spend time with my family, be outdoors hiking, and kiss as many llamas as possible!”

“Hiking, white water rafting, travel”

“Exercising in the backyard since our gym is closed and watching Lifetime movies with my wife.”

“I enjoy hanging out with my family and friends. I love to travel and be outdoors — hiking, skiing, biking, running, camping, etc. Pre-COVID: going out to eat and live music were at the top of my list as well.”

A woman smiles next to two llamas.

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