b'READ MOREOUR COMMITMENTTOANTI-RACISMIn 2020, CCC took bold action toward becoming an anti-racist organization. CCC knows our success as an organization hinges on our ability to invest in underserved communities, shrink gaps in incomeand health care, and meet the individual needs of the clients we serve. We recognize the need for rapid anti-racist action now, coupled with years of ongoing commitment moving forward. The concrete steps we took included: Creating an anti-racism response team to support equity at all levels of our organization. Engaging staff through town halls, surveys and anti-racism reflection circles that elevated Black voices.Developing strong culturally specific and culturally responsiveprograms for BIPOC and other marginalized groups.I dentifying policy and funding issues rooted in discrimination, and working with elected officials and community partners to address them. There is a long history of systemic oppression, stigmatization and criminalization of BIPOC communities. We recognize we live in a culture supported by white supremacy. We know dismantling these harmful systems is the work not of days or weeks, but of decades. Our efforts toward racial justice will be ongoing and in a constant state of becoming. CCC will take intentional and affirmative action to be the change we want to see. You can read more about our full commitment on our website by the clicking the read more link at the top of this page.'