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New Name Announced for Recovery Hotel: River Haven
Среда, Октябрь 6, 2021We’re excited to announce a new name for a former 70-room hotel located in NE Portland which Central City Concern (CCC) acquired earlier this year. We’re in the process of converting the hotel into safe, temporary homes for people who would otherwise be homeless, while they transition through early stages of recovery.
The hotel is now known as River Haven. This name was chosen for several reasons.
- The site and surrounding area have a strong connection to travel, journeys, and crossroads.
- Recovery has a theme of journeys, transition, and crossing from active addiction to recovery, from one kind of life to another.
- The building is located near the Columbia River and on Sandy Boulevard. Both have been used for travel and regional connections, both by the local Native Americans in the time before white settlement, and since then.
- The Columbia River is very important to the environment, local Native Americans, and to Portland’s history.
A Recipe for Success
Portland has very few housing options for people early in their recovery journeys, when they are particularly vulnerable to slipping through the cracks after exiting intensive residential treatment. But CCC knows from decades of experience that combining safe, stable housing with wraparound services is a recipe for success.
Every resident at River Haven will choose their own unique path toward recovery. This could be a combination of intensive case management, medication supported treatment or group counseling. Clients will also be able to transition to permanent housing. These low-barrier entry points will be a hallmark for River Haven.
Looking to the Future
Since acquiring River Haven in June, CCC began Phase One of admitting clients in September to the move-in ready floors. The Native American Rehabilitation Association (NARA), a long-standing partner of CCC’s, will refer clients for up to 15 of the rooms, making more recovery housing available to Native American community members. Additionally, 15 of the units are dedicated for current CCC Пуэнтес participants. Puentes, a program of CCC, offers Latinx community members culturally specific recovery support programs. Phase Two renovations will include providing spaces for on-site clinical services including substance use disorder groups and individual counseling sessions.
We’re thrilled to offer River Haven as a safe, encouraging environment where residents can begin work on their recovery journeys.
Combining affordable housing with wraparound services is a proven solution to ending homelessness. Please consider making a donation to Central City Concern to support evidence-based approaches to preventing and ending homelessness.