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Gearing Up for Election Season: CCC-Endorsed Ballot Initiatives and More

martes, octubre 11, 2022

Election season is here! Many important races will be on the ballot on November 8, and CCC encourages anyone who is eligible to vote and make their voice heard.  

Voter Registration 

October 18 is the deadline to register in Oregon to vote in this election! If you have moved recently, be sure to update your voter registration. Update your current voter registration here o register to vote for the first time here.  

Have questions about registering to vote in Multnomah County when you’re experiencing housing instability or homelessness? Learn more here.  

As a 501(c)3 organization, CCC does not support or oppose candidates running for office. We do support the community being civically engaged. Occasionally, we endorse ballot initiatives when they align with our mission and values.. 


Meet the Candidates 

Want to know what the candidates are saying? CCC has co-sponsored virtual candidate forums with the Urban League of Portland. You can watch the forums on their YouTube channel. 


CCC-Endorsed Ballot Initiatives 

This year, we are supporting two ballot initiatives. 

State Measure 111 – Right to Health Care

Right to Health Care would change the Oregon Constitution to obligate the state to provide access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care. CCC advances policies to end homelessness, improve health care access, increase economic justice, correct racial disparities and achieve greater alignment of the support systems our clients rely on. CCC is supporting this measure as it aligns with CCC’s goals to increase access to health care for all. 

Learn more here.

City of Portland Measure 26-228 – Charter Reform

This would make major changes to Portland’s city government structure, including (1) establishing four-districts with three representatives each, creating a 12-person city council; (2) candidates will be elected by rank choice voting; and (3) instituting a city manager to work with the mayor to improve city services and daily operations. Our state and region face complex and difficult challenges, including increasing the supply of affordable housing, solving our homelessness crisis, and addressing the drastic shortage of behavioral and mental health services. To address this myriad of issues, Portland needs a highly functioning city government able to effectively interact and function within our regional system. Additionally, it’s needed to bring Portland’s diverse communities together to support the health and well-being of all citizens.  

CCC is in favor of a system of government which can support a growing and modern city the size of Portland, and all the complex challenges and opportunities it presents. Our board of directors feels the proposed charter reform falls within a good governance framework, aligns with CCCs values and will ultimately positively contribute to our mission of ending homelessness.  

CCC joins the overwhelming majority of Portlanders calling for change in our system of government. We deeply appreciate the leadership of the Charter Commission and the many BIPOC-led organizations who are leading this campaign for change.  

Learn more here. 

Our public policy team works year-round to advance policies to end homelessness, improve health care access, increase economic justice, correct racial disparities and achieve greater alignment of the support systems our clients rely on.

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