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A Message from New President and CEO Andy Mendenhall, M.D.

Понедельник, Июль 11, 2022

Dear CCC Community and Supporters,  

Thank you for your service and support. Thank you for this opportunity to connect with you. I am deeply humbled and honored to now serve as the new President and CEO of CCC. All of those who’ve come before me have laid the groundwork for CCC to continue to answer the call our community is clearly articulating – help our neighbors in need using kindness, care and science. I couldn’t be more honored and excited to be leading an organization with the breadth and depth of service of CCC.  

The trust the team at CCC, the board of directors and our community has put into me is something for which I feel the deepest accountability. Our community and the folks CCC serve need us now, more than ever. We are serving in ever more complex times.  

I recognize we’re facing significant challenges. Challenges like more potent and dangerous drugs of abuse; real shortages of affordable housing; ongoing issues related to racial equity and inequality; lack of access to behavioral health resources; and a strong feeling of uncertainty about our economic future and the safety of our community.  

While these challenges are daunting, we will be successful navigating our future, together. 

At our core, CCC is a connected community of caring. We’re connected to our mission through lived experience, through the recovery community, through our clients, donors and partners. We are also connected to our neighbors. All of us are united by one common goal – to end homelessness in Portland. We believe folks deserve help to achieve their highest potential. 

I’m so proud of the CCC community and the work CCC does every day.  

When it comes to the challenges facing our region and beyond, CCC is on the right side of the human suffering equation.  We are experts in this work and have a remarkable staff. I am forever grateful for the well of compassion our staff and supporters consistently demonstrate. And their willingness to solve complex problems.   

We look forward to renewed partnerships, curiosity in population health data and working tirelessly with our community partners to innovate and eliminate the large housing and care gaps impacting the lives of our fellow Oregonians.  

Thank you. 


Энди Менденхолл, доктор медицины

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